A big step forward: Bholdus is TechQuartier’s newest community member!

3 min readAug 3, 2021

TechQuartier is a cross-industry innovation platform founded in 2016 in Europe‘s financial centre of Frankfurt with the ambition to create a community that brings startups, corporates, and new talent together to work, meet, learn and collaborate on new technologies and digital business models. Their vision to empower people to master technology and drive innovation to serve humanity attracted us. It is our pleasure to join as a community distinguished member with them!

TechQuartier wishes to create a platform with accessible and impactful innovation experiences to unleash the entrepreneurial forces in the community. They believe that entrepreneurial thinking and acting, the power of community and collaboration, as well as innovation are all vital for humanity in making something great. Until today, the member-based community of TechQuartier is still growing with more than 350 startups, 50 academic and corporate innovators, and hundreds of potential founders.

At Bholdus, we aim to connect businesses with NFTs and asset-based tokens. It is a great aim and just like Helen Keller once said: “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”. With TechQuartier, we strongly believe that we are one step closer to our aim, to let more people in the community understand what DeFi is, how they can utilize this technology to make their dream business come true, and how we can grow this industry together and empower more and more people to master it.

With this partnership, we are looking forward to engaging with more like-minded partners to grow the industry as one. Besides, we are also looking to discover more exciting projects from the startups or corporates in the network. We also wish to develop and connect with the crypto communities around the world and enhance Bholdus’s exposure globally.

Furthermore, we are planning to host seminars or workshops for our community. We believe that these seminars or workshops can be a great opportunity for the community to learn and exchange information in the field of regulations, the future trend of DEX, Defi, NFTs. Because of this, we can bring in the latest update of the emerging ecosystem in South East Asia to their European tech scene. From there, Bholdus and TechQuartier can form a strong bond in exploring different partnership opportunities that are beneficial to the community.

For more information and enquiry about Bholdus, visit https://bholdus.com/. Feel free to join our community via our telegram groups at https://t.me/Bholdus and https://t.me/Bholdus_ENcommunity .

If you are new to the crypto world and ready to explore the crypto world, read the article below!





A Blockchain dedicated to decentralized financial (DeFi) applications and non-fungible tokens (NFTs)